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APT Community Garden

For the third year running the Children’s APT Garden Gang will be set up to grow fruit, vegetables and flow-ers in the garden space behind the office. The produce they grow is then available for them to take home to their families. Each year the children have entered a scarecrow in the Stonehouse Horticultural show and won first prize in the Children’s section of the Stroud District Council Garden Competition.

Even if the weather is bad the children have indoor activities they can complete which include sowing herbs and craft sessions and it is hoped to provide a trip to a local attraction during the summer school holidays. The Children’s Garden Group will start on Wednesday 6th April 3.45pm to 5pm.

If your child would like to join the 'Garden Gang' please contact the APT Office on 01453 822705.

There will be limited spaces and we are looking for a few parents who would like to help supervise the children. If you have an interest in gardening or would like to learn more pop into the office and have a chat with the APT team. You can also contact us on Facebook, Twitter or via email.


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